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the complete program
Ultra Prevent is Jos Stuyver's initiative and he is the author of The Power 5,
5 critical ways to prevent and cure chronic conditions

Stay healthy with Ultra Prevent

We help people achieve the best possible health. For this we provide information that we think is useful. The solution to complaints and problems can usually be found in food. Ultra Prevent was created to close the gap between all the food available and the nutrients the body needs.

To help you optimally support your health, we developed a unique and proven effective combination of oxygen carriers, minerals and detoxifiers. It also helps prevent and treat diseases and disorders.

Our Ultra Prevent program

The latest news

The Warburg Effect: A New Approach in Cancer Research

Cancer research remains one of the most challenging fields in modern science. A fascinating aspect of this research is the so-called Warburg effect, where cancer cells use an unusual method of energy production. At the same time, Professor Brian Peskin sheds interesting light on this phenomenon by emphasizing the role of essential fatty acids, potentially opening new pathways for both preventive and curative cancer therapies.

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From Thyroid Cancer to Recovery

After three months of intensely following Jos’s guidelines, I underwent tests again. The results were astonishing: the Bethesda 5 classification in my left thyroid was reduced to 3, and my right thyroid had fully recovered.

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Feel free to contact us for more information.

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Discover the five ways to prevent and even cure chronic diseases and disorders. Jos Stuyver takes you back to the basics of preventive health.

The Power 5 - Jos Suyver


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