The program for your health

Our products

We created a valuable blend of five oils – all organic and with the right ratio of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, plus GLA – to promote oxygen transport in your body’s cells. The above oils are also involved in many other important functions in the body. Due to our depleted agricultural land, we have also created a powerful mineral mix so help supplement what we are lacking in our diet. 

Finally, we designed – based on a more than 100-year-old formula – a detoxifier to remove chemicals from the body.

Essential Oils

We use a sophisticated combination of 100% Organic primary (source) cold pressed seed oils in Omega 3-6-9 and GLA. This guarantees our customers the purest and most effective essential fatty acids available and provides your body with the fatty acids it cannot produce itself. This is important for the proper functioning of all body cells.

Vita Minerals

A scientifically and sophisticated combination of organically bound easily absorbable essential minerals. This provides your body with the mineral substances that it cannot produce itself. This is important for the proper functioning of all body cells.

Detox Herbs

An intensive and effective herbal cleansing, made from organic ingredients. This formula rids the body of toxins – such as preservatives, pesticides, heavy metals, and hormones – and thus supports the body’s natural defences.

Back to basics of preventive health.

Have you noticed that more and more people suffer from chronic diseases and conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, fatigue, depression, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer? And have you noticed that increasingly younger people are being diagnosed with this?

What Do Our Customers Say?

Topic: Progress I had a scan last week and was cleared of lung cancer. But the metastases are also gone. Now I still suffer from fluid accumulation, mainly in my right leg and some fluid behind the lungs. I went to the internist this afternoon and he wants me to go to the cardiologist. Yours sincerely K.R.

K.R. (volledige naam is bekend bij UltraPrevent)

Dear Jos, I would like to give a remarkable update. I had a repeat smear after having Pap 3 and CIN 3 with HPV five months ago. My HPV is now NEGATIVE and Pap 2. So I took a higher dose of fat capsules for three months… I thought it would be nice to report it! Greetings, H.

Almelo 6 februari 2023

My Personal Experience with Additional Treatment for my Rectal Cancer.
After the unexpected diagnosis of rectal cancer, I was faced with a difficult choice. The standard treatment with chemo and many radiation treatments, followed by the removal of my rectum and the placement of a stoma, sounded daunting. With many reservations, I decided to look further and came across a study into organ-sparing treatment, in which I only received local radiation.
Parallel to this treatment, I started my search for complementary medicine. This search led me to Jos, whose insights into the theories of Otto Warburg and Brian Peskin really appealed to me. The idea that a lack of oxygen in body cells could be a primary cause of cancer opened new perspectives for me.
I took Jos’ advice to heart and started a regimen of special fatty acid supplements, a mineral pill a day and, if necessary, a detox pill. In addition, I adjusted my diet with a strong reduction in sugar intake. When checked a few months later, the tumor turned out to be very reduced in size.

My oncologist was amazed at the results, which are rarely seen.
The combination of the organ-saving treatment, the nutritional advice and supplements, and my new lifestyle, has really made the difference in my opinion. My gratitude for Jos’ guidance and the effectiveness of his advice is enormous. His approach has not only improved my physical health, but also positively impacted my mental well-being.
This experience touched me deeply and completely changed my view on health and the treatment of diseases. I am extremely grateful to Jos for his support and expertise.


My Experience with Complementary Natural Treatment Methods for my Rectal Cancer.
My journey began with a shocking diagnosis of rectal cancer, which led me on a search for the best methods of treatment. I was initially suggested conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, followed by bowel removal and a stoma. However, I chose to carefully consider my options and explore alternative insights.
I was referred to the AVL in Amsterdam, where I was offered a less invasive treatment method with less radiation and no chemotherapy. This approach resonated more with my belief in the self-healing capacity of my body and my desire to avoid heavy medications as much as possible.
I came into contact with Jos, who provided me with valuable insights about nutrition and health. Through his book “Cancer is a Modern Disease” and personal conversations, I learned about the risks of refined sugar, processed, dangerous fats in our food and the importance of oxygen in the cells. I adjusted my diet and started taking supplements that promote oxygen supply to cells.
After a few months of this new lifestyle, a check-up showed that my tumor had shrunk significantly. Although radiation played a role, the result was so exceptional that even the doctors in the AVL noted that they did not see this often. I attribute this success partly to the adjusted diet and supplements.
My wife and I have embraced this approach as a new way of life. We feel strongly that the supplements and diet played a crucial role in the positive outcome. Although I am still in a treatment process and participating in a promising new study, I am grateful for Jos’ willingness to regularly think and advise.
My experience shows the impact of a holistic approach to health, centered around nutrition, supplements and an openness to complementary therapies. This personal story is an inspiring example of how personal choices and expert advice can lead to remarkable improvements in health, even in the face of serious medical challenges.


Personal Review: My Experience with Complementary Natural Treatment Methods for Rectal Cancer
A Journey of Consideration and Personal Choices My journey began with a shocking diagnosis of rectal cancer, which led me to a search for the best treatment methods. I was initially suggested conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, followed by bowel removal and a stoma. However, I chose to carefully consider my options and explore alternative insights.
Choosing Less Invasive Treatments I was referred to the AVL in Amsterdam, where I was offered a less invasive treatment method with less radiation and no chemotherapy. This approach resonated more with my belief in the self-healing capacity of my body and my desire to avoid heavy medications as much as possible.
The Role of Nutrition and Supplements I came into contact with Jos, who provided me with valuable insights about nutrition and health. Through the book “Cancer is a Modern Disease” and personal conversations, I learned about the risks of refined sugar and the importance of oxygen in the cells. I adjusted my diet and started taking supplements that promote oxygen supply to cells.
Remarkable Results After a few months of this new lifestyle, a check-up showed that my tumor had shrunk significantly. Although radiation played a role, the result was so exceptional that even the doctors at the AVL noticed it. I attribute this success partly to the adjusted diet and supplements.
Gratitude and Continuing Treatment My wife and I have embraced this approach as a new way of life. We feel strongly that the supplements and diet played a crucial role in the positive outcome. Although I am still in a treatment process and participating in a promising new study, I am grateful for Jos’ willingness to regularly think and advise.
Conclusion My experience shows the impact of a holistic approach to health, focusing on nutrition, supplements and an openness to alternative therapies. This personal story is an inspiring example of how personal choices and expert advice can lead to remarkable improvements in health, even in the face of serious medical challenges.


As you know, I was diagnosed with a tumor in the rectum.
Then a whole process of examinations and a treatment proposal begins.
I’ll summarize it briefly.

Conventional medicine then proposes a lot of radiation and chemotherapy, if this has not done its job sufficiently, followed by removal of the intestine and a stoma.

First of all, we have full respect for conventional medicine.
However, when something like this happens to you, it makes you think and feel what suits you.

This meant that we were referred to the AVL in Amsterdam.
This is where the latest insights are often found.
Fortunately, the proposal here was no chemo and much less radiation.
In addition, we also believe in the resolving capacity of the body and our immune system and we often try to avoid heavy regular medication if possible.
We also started looking for what else suits us and came into contact with you.
We received the booklet Cancer is a Modern Disease and had 2 conversations in which you shared your vision with us.
We completely agreed with this.
Especially that (refined) sugar carries a high risk of developing cancer and carbohydrates also convert into sugars. We started living according to the diet you suggested and we are very pleased with it.
In addition, you have taught us that the oxygen in the cells of our body is of great importance.
A cell must be well supplied with oxygen, if it is less then the cell can either die or start doing less pleasant things.
We started using your supplements and during the check-up a few months after starting, the tumor turned out to be very reduced in size.
Of course, there has also been irradiation, but in the AVL they indicated that they did not see this often.

It has now become a way of life for us and we very much feel that the use of the supplements has contributed to the results so far. We are still in the middle of a treatment process (a new promising study) so that’s it and thanks for the willingness to regularly think along.



Hello Jos,

I would like to share the following.
I was unexpectedly diagnosed a year and a half ago
rectal cancer.
The doctor said that chemotherapy and 25 x radiation were necessary and then the rectum was removed and a stoma was placed.
We had a strong feeling that we had to think about this and investigate what was possible.
We ended up with a new study regarding organ-saving treatment.
I was allowed to participate in this.
First I was irradiated several times externally and then 3 times internally only on the spot itself.
This is to leave the surrounding tissue as intact as possible.
My wife and I also continued our search.
We ended up with you. The theory of Otto Warburg and Brian Peskin appealed to us, namely that a lack of oxygen in the body cells could be the primary cause.
I started taking the fatty acid pills as well as a mineral pill a day and a detox pill where necessary.
We also started eating differently, based on your nutritional advice, including very little sugar.
Now after a year and a half, a study showed that the treatment showed a very good result, for which we are very grateful and also partly attribute to your help and resources.
Thanks for this.

From Thyroid Cancer to Recovery: A Personal Review
When I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, it was a huge shock. My internist suggested removing my entire thyroid gland after finding multiple thickenings. In my right thyroid lobe 2 nodules were found with a diagnosis of TRIADS 3 and in my left thyroid lobe 4 nodules with TIRADS 4 and 5 and after cytological puncture the diagnosis of Bethesda 5, suspected of papillary malignancy, became a frightening finding.
I decided not to have surgery immediately and sought a second opinion in a specialized academic hospital. It was also suggested to first remove my left thyroid gland and, if necessary, later also the right one. But I was determined to explore all possible alternatives before making such a major decision.
In consultation with my specialist, I decided to postpone the operation by three months. During this time I followed the advice of Jos, whose white papers and booklets provided me with new insights into managing and potentially reversing my condition through lifestyle and diet changes.
After three months of intensively following Jos’ guidelines, I underwent tests again. The result was astonishing: the Bethesda 5 rating in my left thyroid was reduced to 3, and my right thyroid was completely recovered. This unexpected result led to a new appointment to be reassessed three months later and I remained under the specialist’s care afterwards. In the end he fired me and I can contact him again if necessary.
By following Jos’ valuable insights and recommendations, I found a path that not only improved my health, but also gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation for the importance of a holistic approach to wellness.
It has taught me how powerful our bodies can respond to positive changes in lifestyle and nutrition, and the importance of an informed decision-making process in collaboration with health professionals.

“The tumor is no longer visible on the chest X-ray, which surprised the thoracic surgeon. He stated that he never or rarely experiences this! The tumor was 4.6 cm long. No metastases in my spine were found during an MRI examination.
I personally think that your supplements have contributed enormously to this recovery. The follow-up will be immunotherapy, after I have reduced my prednisone to a maximum of 5 mg/day”.

K.R. (full name is known to UltraPrevent)
(The lung tumor was determined by means of X-ray, pathological tissue diagnosis and CT imaging. In addition to supplements, the patient also received nutritional advice).

K.R. (full name is known to UltraPrevent)

This book is very insightful for those newly diagnosed with diabetes. I was fortunate to receive it as a gift.
I would recommend it to anyone battling health issues. The key for optimal health seems to involve how to deal with INFLAMMATION. My diabetes was mis-diagnosed for years as food allergies. My key symptom was inflammation and mucus formation after I would eat. I’ve noticed significant improvement after adjusting my diet from foods that produce inflammation. If you get that part under control in addition to diet and exercise you are on track. I had researched the issues with my health concern, and this is the first book that had most of the information in one place. This is the best gift I have received in years.

S. Allison

“I have been using the Ultra Prevent supplements for a few months and I feel a lot fitter. I have more energy during the day, and I don’t have the afternoon dip anymore. My concentration has improved and finally I also sleep better for the first time in years. I still have the same diet but now I want to look into that. I am happy I have discovered Ultra Prevent.”

M. De Wit Huischen

“In my quest to find information about diabetes I came across this website from Ultra Prevent. It suddenly hit me that not just any old information was being shared but it was information based on scientific research. I ordered the three products, and I am more than satisfied! I don’t have any weird symptoms anymore, my skin is a lot better, and I also feel a lot healthier.”

S.H. Jacobs
