Essential Oils

Availability: In stock
- Scientifically developed
- Primary form, no dervatives
- No GMO’s
- No fish oil
- GMP Certified
- 100% organic and gluten free
- Safe for all ages
- Easy to take
- 120 capsules = 1 month
Taking Ultra Prevent Essential Oils is the ideal way to supply your body with the elementary, essential fatty acids. These Primary Essential Fatty Acids/Oils or PEOs cannot be produced by your body, whereas they are indispensable for all body cells. If there is a shortage of Primary Essential Fatty Acids in your body, your appetite is often directly affected by this. You notice this by a constant feeling of hunger. Think of it as your body’s alarm signal: it keeps asking for the precious essential fatty acids. Eating food that contains these fatty acids is therefore necessary. But unfortunately a lot of food is more or less processed. As a result, a large proportion of the essential fatty acids present are irreparably damaged, neutralised or removed.
Healthy fats
Through chemical processing and heating at high temperatures, primary essential fatty acids and other unsaturated fatty acids/oils are converted into trans-fats and hardened oils. These are unhealthy for you and can even be dangerous. Many people get an ‘overdose’ of harmful trans fats, and not enough unprocessed primary essential fatty acids. Avoid trans fats as much as possible and supplement the healthy fats.
By reading labels, you will discover that trans fats are found in almost everything. For example in:
- pastries, cakes, biscuits, puff pastry
- crisps
- sweets
- margarine and low-fat margarine
- frozen products: croquettes, cheese souffles, frikadells, chips
- deep-frying fat and foods fried in hard fat
- vegetable oils for frying
- pizzas
- many ready-made meals
- coffee milk powder
- instant mixes and sauces
- many kinds of peanut butter
A food supplement cannot replace a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Consult an expert before use in case of pregnancy, lactation, illness or use of medication.
Ultra Prevent Essential Oils consist of cold-pressed oils from organic cultivation, containing primary omega 6 and primary omega 3. Intake of essential fatty acids according to the Ultra Prevent. Essential Oils is many times better than taking fish oil supplements. Fish oil is not as pure or as effective as organic oils pressed from seeds and fish oil can even be harmful.
No fish oil
Fish do not have oil glands, so in order to manufacture fish oil supplements, fish must be pressed into ‘juice’. Squeezed ‘fish juice’ is the worst way to get essential fatty acids. This is one reason why our formula does not contain fish oil. Another reason is the polluted water in which fish live. The accumulation of toxins, including mercury, can be dangerous when you regularly take concentrated fish oil. Even if manufacturers of fish oil supplements claim that their products do not contain harmful toxins, the natural oil may have been damaged by the processing methods. In addition, fish is rich in derivatives of omega 3, which are not the essential fatty acids for humans, as intended by nature.
Food processing
Essential fatty acids have their basis in food, but when this food is processed, these precious nutrients are damaged, removed or neutralised. Chemical processing and high temperature heating convert essential fatty acids and other unsaturated oils into trans-fats and hydrogenated oils. You may have heard or read in my book how dangerous these unhealthy fats are.
The diagram below shows the steps the food industry takes to produce commercial cooking oils, such as you can buy in the supermarket or eat at your favourite restaurant. Although you may not want to consume them at all, it is almost impossible to avoid them completely.
Many people are ‘overdosing’ on harmful trans fats and not consuming enough unprocessed essential fatty acids. The processing of food poses an almost insurmountable problem, although it can be minimised by avoiding processed foods and supplementing with the right fatty acids in the right amounts and proportions.
There is a misconception among nutritionists that we already get more than enough omega 6 from our diet. The truth is that we get very little pure, unprocessed ‘primary’ omega 6 fatty acid, for the reasons mentioned above. Then there is the extremely important fact that it is easy to ‘overdose’ on omega 3, which can lead to serious health problems. Over 97% of our body function requires a minimum ratio of 4:1, in favour of unprocessed omega 6 over omega 3, as our tissues and organs are built from these.
Primary form, no derivatives
Of vital importance to optimal health is the distinction between the primary form of essential fatty acids and their derivatives. Supplement manufacturers usually lump all essential fatty acids together. They clearly have no clear understanding of how the human body processes essential fatty acids.
There have been years of scientific work on this composition of our essential fatty acids, because there is a huge difference in the way the body handles these different forms. It is crucial to understand that the body makes its own derivatives of the primary essential fatty acids as needed. When you see GLA, EPA or DHA on a label, it is derivatives and not the primary form. Your body uses more primary essential fatty acids than derivatives.
Primary form, no derivatives
Of vital importance to optimal health is the distinction between the primary form of essential fatty acids and their derivatives. Supplement manufacturers usually lump all essential fatty acids together. They clearly have no clear understanding of how the human body processes essential fatty acids.
There have been years of scientific work on this composition of our essential fatty acids, because there is a huge difference in the way the body handles these different forms. It is crucial to understand that the body makes its own derivatives of the primary essential fatty acids as needed. When you see GLA, EPA or DHA on a label, it is derivatives and not the primary form. Your body uses more primary essential fatty acids than derivatives.
The primary form of essential fatty acids
Primary Omega 6 = LA: linoleic acid (polyunsaturated), safflower, sunflower, evening primrose. Your body largely uses the primary form and converts it to derivatives as needed. Derivatives are: GLA, DGLA, AA.
Primary omega 3 = ALA: alpha-linolenic acid (super unsaturated) – flaxseed, hemp. Derivatives are: SDA, EPA, DHA. (Fish oil naturally consists of almost 100% omega 3 derivatives and is therefore not the ideal form of long-term supplementation).
The correct ratio of primary essential fatty acids is: primary omega 6 to primary omega 3 = 1:1 to 4:1. Ultra Prevent™ EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) contain a ratio of approximately 2.6:1, in favour of primary omega 6.
The Solution
Ultra Prevent elemental EFAs include sunflower oil with a high linoleic acid content, and a small amount of organic evening primrose oil – both excellent sources of primary omega 6 – supplemented with organic flaxseed oil as a source of primary omega 3, so that we obtain the ideal, scientifically established combination of omega 6/3. All our oils are vegetable, so vegetarians and vegans need not worry.
Scientifically developed
Our unique essential fatty acid formula takes the good, unprocessed primary omega 6 that may already be in your diet and balances it with the right level of primary omega 3. With our carefully balanced formulation, using naturally produced oils from seeds instead of fish oil, we are at the forefront of essential fatty acid science. We offer you the primary oils, not the derivatives.
Natural, organic and safe
Many of our customers call Ultra Prevent elemental EFAs ‘liquid gold’. Unlike most commercial oil supplements, small, carefully controlled quantities of Ultra Prevent elemental EFAs are produced. The oils contain no pesticides and are certified organic. They are cold-pressed and put into special oxygenated capsules to protect the precious oils. As a result, the fatty acids do not need to be refrigerated. You can rest assured that you are getting primary oils and not a harmful overdose of derivatives, as found in so many commercial products.
Information will follow …
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